Overview about Pooja Group Of Companies
Incepted in the year 1998, we have evolved with time. From a trading company back then, we have come to own fully functional manufacturing plants, today. Decades of expertise and acumen enable us to set up a one-stop consultancy for project setup needs and improvement of existing operations for manufacturing industries.
Our Vision
To serve our clients with excellent quality engineering products and services and nurture a culture of excellence, creative thinking, and knowledge sharing
Our Mission
To continuously upgrade our established global business platform and processes to serve the steel and glass industry worldwide. That includes our approach to man, market, machine, and everything in between.
About Us
Pooja Group of Companies is committed to being the trustee of society’s wealth – people, resources, and opportunities, in and outside of India. We throw open the door for like-minded people who live the growth.
List of Pooja Group Of Companies
We are known for our rich experience in trading and manufacturing engineering goods and consumables, through our subsidiaries.
Pooja Industries - India Turnover of the company: 2.5 Million USD

Reliant SERVICES & SUPPLIES - IndiaTurnover of the company 4.5 Million USD

Reliant EXIM & Consulting LLC - USA Turnover of the company 4.5 Million USD

RELIANT & Pooja Limited, NigeriaTurnover of the company 2 Million USD


MET GAZ SAU - SenegalTurnover of the company 1 Million USD

Unicorn Exim PTE.LTD - SinagporeTurnover of the company 1 Million USD

Seana Services & Supplies LTD - UgandaTurnover of the company 1 Million USD
Our Philosophy
"Get it right first time everytime."
Message from our CEO
Being at the crossroads of decisions each day, I often experience and smile at the same realization – how being ‘Here and Now’ has helped us in staying relevant in changing times, and spreading optimism that the world seeks from us. This is especially true for a tech and engineering driven company whose business landscape evolves constantly, keeping us on toes.
Pooja Group of Companies is committed to being the trustee of society’s wealth – people, resources, and opportunities, in and outside of India. We throw open the door for like-minded people who live the growth.
We help our clients move past their challenges thanks to our network spread across geographies and the excellence of our delivery teams.
Throughout our journey of a simple one-man trading company to a conglomerate dedicated to engineering staples, we have lived the beliefs of ‘one–step–at–a–time,’ ‘leap of faith’, ‘collaborations’ and ‘ national interests.’
The breadth of expertise, the depth of ambitions and the strength of principles collectively have a ripple effect on our actions, thus helping us a find a better footing, each passing year.
At Pooja Group of Companies, winning is in our DNA